Oral Presentation Epigenetics 2013

Massive Reorganization of Nucleosome Distribution and DNA Methylation at Distal Regulatory Elements in Cancer. (#12)

Phillippa C Taberlay 1 , Aaron L Statham 1 , Theresa K Kelly 2 , Susan J Clark 1 , Peter A Jones 3
  1. Epigenetics Research, Cancer Program, Garvan Institute, Darlinghurst, NSW, Australia
  2. Active Motif, Inc., Carlsbad, California, USA
  3. Departments of Biochemistry and Urology, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA

Epigenetic reprogramming is a hallmark of cancer cells achieved through altered patterns of DNA methylation, histone modifications and nucleosome positions. These events have only been described in detail at gene promoters. Here, we integrate multiple epigenome-wide maps to evaluate the scope of global epigenetic reprogramming in cancer cells at enhancers and insulators. Using high-resolution simultaneous mapping of global DNA methylation and nucleosome positions within individual DNA strands (NOMe-Seq), we demonstrate a massive reorganization of the DNA methylome coupled with simultaneous modulation of nucleosome depleted regions (NDRs) at distal regulatory elements in cancer.  We show that while NDRs are preferentially found at enhancers in normal breast and prostate epithelial cells, the NDRs are depleted at enhancers concomitant with DNA hypermethylation in cancer. Our data suggests that the loss of the NDR is key to DNA hypermethylation susceptibility and contributes to epigenetic silencing of enhancers in cancer, which can notably occur without loss of H3K4me1. Further we demonstrate that NDRs are not necessary for peripheral phasing of nucleosomes, contrary to the common dogma, but show that nucleosomes remain remarkably organized and phased, even in the absence of a NDR as an anchor. Finally we demonstrate the potential for transcription factors (TF) to organize NDRs genome-wide; all TF-binding sites are strongly hypomethylated and some show extensive peripheral nucleosome phasing. Together our findings reveal that, in addition to epigenetic alterations to promoter regions in cancer, there is substantial disruption to the distal regulatory architecture that provides an additional layer of epigenetic plasticity in malignancy.

P.C.T and A.L.S contributed equally.

S.J.C and P.A.J contributed equally.