Oral Presentation Epigenetics 2013

BiSulfite Amplicon Sequencing and Targeted Expression Profiling on the Illumina MiSeq (#31)

Michelle Garred 1
  1. Illumina, Scoresby, VIC, Australia

Illumina methylation array-based technology continues to increase in adoption rates by leading international consortia.  With Infinium Methylation Assays, researchers can quantitatively interrogate methylation sites at single-nucleotide resolution, profiling 12 samples in parallel to deliver high-throughput power while minimizing the cost per sample. The HumanMethylation450 BeadChip offers a unique combination of comprehensive, expert-selected coverage, including 99% of RefSeq genes, 96% of CpG islands, and other content categories selected by methylation experts, delivering high throughput at a low price, making it ideal for epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS).  Downstream of EWAS or for any hypothesis-driven approach, a recent publication (Epigenetics & Chromatin) has demonstrated a targeted, amplicon-based assay using Illumina Nextera XT chemistry and Illumina’s benchtop next generation sequencer, MiSeq.  This talk segment will overview this method termed, BiSulfite Amplicon Sequencing (BSAS) as well as highlight Epigenetics and Gene Regulation portfolio updates including the Illumina TruSeq Targeted RNA Expression Kit for sequencing on the MiSeq or HiSeq system.